Ever hear the Chariots of Fire theme? I'm sure you have, and even though it's an unforgettable composition, that is one of my least listened-to of Vangelis's scores or works in general. It was a bit later in my youth when I truly discovered the depths of his music.. soon after High School in 1988.
Being a bit of an outcast in my taste for music and activities at that age, I found myself completely absorbed in the catalog of music by Vangelis. The man wrote emotion.. not songs. That was a language I enjoyed the most.. and one that I hoped to learn one day that I might write music myself.
From the delicate "La petite fille de la mer", to the unique and unmatched score of "Bladerunner" including the famous "Rachel's Song", to the powerful themes from the film "1492", his music has embedded a permanent place in my heart.
So many more lesser-known pieces made their way into my playlists, including the soundtrack of "El Greco" which I've probably played more than any other of his collections while painting. It's truly a masterpiece.
We lost our beloved Vangelis last month. Yet, he lives on in his timeless music which will never die. He also left hundreds of composers who were inspired by his genius works. And even though I'm no composer per se.. he has surely inspired me to make an honest attempt at composing. It is something I've wanted to do for decades, and have been trying to find time in the last few years. The music is there, though without theory training.. it is only by ear. Though, in one of his last interviews he mentioned that nature was his formal training. And so I share that with him.. at least that.
This is my tribute to him and his life. Thank you, Vangelis for all the music and inspiration you gave to so many of us. See you on the other side.