If you're like me, having some nice and relaxing ambient sounds in the background helps focus on work, helps sleep, etc. Doing a lot of creative work at home, I have my own sound mixes which I fine tune to my liking. Above is one of my sleep settings. It really is so easy, fun, and sometimes evokes memories. For instance, I grew up in Virginia with the sounds of crickets and cicadas.. and many a thunderstorm.. a favorite combination.
This is a free service. But for $9 per year... yes year... you can have access to even more sounds and create your own mixes, and save them for future uses. I think it's brilliant, and just wanted to pass this along. Maybe you will enjoy some nature at your desktop too.
Happy Listening!
PS... My wife and I have been busy recently with a new proof of concept "trailer" for the 2nd feature-length animation! We'll be posting updates with this second installment of our animation adventures.